Love • Growth • Joy

Strangers No Longer



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Celebrating Diversity at Resurrection

Welcome to Resurrection's newest series: Celebrating Diversity! Christianity itself is a very diverse faith, originating with Judaism in the present-day Middle East, then spreading through the Roman Empire and entire world. God smiles upon us today watching Christians and Catholics celebrating His name in all nations on every continent around the world!  

Our beautiful nation is also a celebration of diversity, founded on the migration of many different peoples, first from Europe, then all over the world. Diversity is the foundation of the United States of America!  

During this Easter season of rebirth, we invite you to open your hearts to new personal growth, openness, and rebirth. Challenge yourself spiritually with these questions: What does loving all of God's people really look like? How would Jesus treat immigrants or others whose journeys are different from our own? How has witnessing the suffering of Ukrainian refugees affected you? We invite you to dig deep and explore this topic with Jesus' guidance and prayer. Can this Easter season help you grow deeper in God's love and understanding?

We know that each of us have our own unique stories of immigration. We invite you to explore our parish's many cultures and perspectives. Our diversity truly makes us stronger as a whole! Please take a flag pushpin in the gathering space and mark your country of immigration on our world map. Did you or your ancestors come to the United States due to fear, violence, famine, opportunity, or a cry for help? If you would be willing to share your own immigration story in our "Celebrating Diversity!" series, we would love to hear it! Please reach out to Christina Potkay at cpotkay@gmail.com All are welcome to partake.

“I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”
Matthew 25: 31-40