Love • Growth • Joy

Vacation Bible School

Join Resurrection and Our Lady of Good Counsel Parishes

as we combine efforts to host 

Vacation Bible School 2022!



VBS is June 20-24th, 2022 from 8:45 a.m. - Noon at All Saints Catholic School, directly behind Resurrection Parish.

Our Elementary and PK/K program is Aloha VBS, based on 1 Corinthians 13 ("Love is Patient, Love is Kind...")

Our Middle School Theme is The Question, based on Matthew 16:15 “Who do you say that I am?”

Children who will be 4 years old by June 20th to those entering 8th grade in the fall are encouraged to register. Cost is $35/child and scholarships are readily available. Register online here.

Volunteer: Check out the volunteer options here and review the many Tabs along the top of this Signup to find the best way to get involved with VBS. We believe you will help families experience God's love and have a ton of fun while you are doing it! Adults and teens can help out all 5 days, just a day or two, or behind the scenes. Free childcare is available for your 0-3 1/2 year old if you volunteer. Register for childcare here.

For registration questions or to request a scholarship, email ResVBS@gmail.com If you are not sure where to volunteer or have questions, reach out to Karen.Hogan@ResurrectionParish.net or call (734) 451-0444. We hope you can join us at VBS 2022!

For more information, visit the VBS website. 




VBS 2020 

was virtual and recorded. You can still join the fun now!

The Fruit of Virtual VBS Continues!

Our first ever virtual VBS was a wonderful success. Over 200 children (and many adults) joined in on the fun through engaging videos, daily craft and activity challenges, and lots of great music! Our mission outreach this year was Starfish Family Services and our community generously contributed funds and supplies for this wonderful organization. 

Because our VBS was virtual, families can still join in on the fun! Please think about who might be blessed by an uplifting and engaging message this summer and share this link with them: bit.ly/virtualVBSkit (Link is case sensitive). The link will give them free access to all the playful skits, energizing music, and inspiring messages of Together Through the Storm VBS 2020.

We are grateful for everyone who invested their time, talents, and prayer into this program. We are also thankful for the chance to share the Gospel with families everywhere. God is Good...All the Time!


While our Vacation Bible School was held July 27th-31st, you didn't miss out on the fun! Together Through the Storm Virtual VBS is still available to enjoy! 

CLICK HERE to access all the great content of Together Through the Storm VBS 2020

Photos and videos from the week will be coming soon to our website. Check it out at: 
